Are You Fit Enough for the Insanity Workout?

By |2019-06-22T09:17:59-04:00March 3rd, 2010|Insanity Blog, Latest Post|

Insanity WorkoutIf you go to the 'P90X or Insanity Workout?' post, you'll see that there are some 120 comments or so. Now, half of them are mine, but they're all responses to the same basic question: "Am I ready for Insanity/P90X?" What I sense is a lot of excitement, a lot of enthusiasm, but a level of uncertainty as to whether people are ready for such an extreme workout. With good reason! I'm going to focus on Insanity today, but my advice applies to any extreme workout.

3 Things You Need to Finish Insanity

By |2019-06-22T09:18:20-04:00March 1st, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Insanity Blog, Latest Post|

Insanity WorkoutAnybody can grab the INSANITY workout, go into their garage and bust out a session. Just pound their bones and joints out on a cement floor, gulp down a glass of water, and then go about their day, feeling raw, pumped up, and ultimately worn out and in pain. Folks, this is an extreme fitness program for a reason. This is marketed to the elite because it takes more than mental toughness (that's the most basic requirement). It requires that your body be in top form, that you be in fighting shape, that you be able to take an extreme amount of physical stress and thrive. And unless you're a machine, or a marine, or a decathlete, you're going to need to take care of yourself. Yes, nutrition, yes nine hours of sleep. But these three things below will help you not only get through INSANITY, but to thrive.

6 Habits to Help You Lose Weight

By |2019-06-22T09:18:30-04:00February 26th, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Latest Post, no photo|

Weight LossLosing weight can be incredibly hard, but the how of it shouldn't be a mystery. There is no question that changing your habits can be an incredible challenge, and sticking to them can be even more difficult than the original decision to change. However, the means of doing so, and what those new habits should be, are well established, basic and simple. Here we'll list the top six changes you should effect if you're serious about losing weight, the top new habits you should acquire to ensure that your goals are met successfully.

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Where to Get Your INSANITY Info

By |2019-06-22T09:18:41-04:00February 25th, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Insanity Blog, Latest Post|

Insanity WorkoutThere is a lot of information out there on the INSANITY workout. Countless Beachbody Coach sites promise to connect you with the product, while review sites of varying quality offer to inform you on the nature of Shaun T's program. Articles have been written on how to best succeed at the workout itself, along with general tips and advice on how to approach it. It can be confusing, overwhelming even, and somebody who simply wants the right info without having to mount a research project can become discouraged. Well! Today I'm going to round up the best of the best, and show you where you can get all your info in one post. So read on!

3 Crucial Tips for How to Dominate INSANITY

By |2019-06-22T09:18:51-04:00February 22nd, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Insanity Blog, Latest Post|

Insanity WorkoutIt takes more than being in good shape to succeed at INSANITY. It takes more than having tough mental determination. Takes more than even that vital component, having heart. If you have all three--a solid physical foundation, an iron will and enough heart to persevere against all odds, you'll definitely finish INSANITY. But there are a few crucial tips that you have to follow in order to excel.

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INSANITY Workout Reviews is Live!

By |2019-06-22T09:19:01-04:00February 12th, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Insanity Blog, Latest Post, no photo|

Insanity Workout ReviewsAfter much thought, work and coding, we're is proud to announce the unveiling of our INSANITY review section. One of the most common questions put to us by our friends and customers is basically, 'What is the INSANITY workout like? Is it too tough, too intense for me?' Well, with our new review section, we hope to be able to answer that question for everybody.

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EFR Now on Twitter!

By |2019-06-22T09:19:10-04:00February 9th, 2010|Latest Post, no photo|

EFR on TwitterLet it not be said that EFR is behind the times. With our blog up and booming, we've decided that it was time to take the next step and create a Twitter account. Yes, I know, I know, people have been tweeting for ages and ages now, but one of the core philosophies here at EFR is to take one step at a time, and make sure that each goal is accomplished before looking beyond to the next. Could we have started Tweeting before? Of course! But now we have a strong blog platform, and we're going to pour our energies into developing the rest of our social media options.

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Life After P90X

By |2019-06-22T09:19:20-04:00February 5th, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Latest Post, P90X Blog|

P90X WorkoutP90X is seen as the ultimate challenge. 90 days of almost ridiculously hard exercise, endless hours of brutal workouts that push you to your limits and then challenge you to go one further. If you do what Tony Horton says, if you eat right, sleep right, and break through your barriers to reach that 90 day mark, then congratulations. You've proved yourself to be Extreme. But the question then becomes--now what?

INSANITY Workout and Joint Pain

By |2019-06-22T09:19:29-04:00February 2nd, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Insanity Blog, Latest Post, no photo|

Insanity Workout Joint PainIt's no secret that the INSANITY workout is intense. Six days a week you work out, from cardio circuits to plyometrics, ranging from thirty minutes to an hour, leaping and sprinting and squatting and dropping down into push ups. Usually most workouts operate on a day on, day off schedule, allowing your body to recover and adapt slowly to your new routine, but INSANITY keeps on the pressure from the get-go. This is why it's slated as a workout for experienced athletes--not because novices might lack willpower or determination, but rather because they won't have the conditioning necessary to prevent their bodies from falling apart after the first few weeks. So how do you prevent your joints from getting all banged up and sore? Even a conditioned athlete will run into trouble if he's not careful. In today's post, we'll look at some options, and see if we can't help prevent your joints from flaring up ;)

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By |2019-06-22T09:19:39-04:00February 1st, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Insanity Blog, Latest Post|

Insanity WorkoutSay you're one of the brave, suicidal few, and are on the verge or have actually finished the 60 day INSANITY program. You've sweated, cursed, near given up, but the end is now in sight. You're ripped, shredded, lean mean and in the best shape of your life. But now what? Where do you go from here? Any form of post-INSANITY workout can seem like a step down, in intensity, in challenge, in benefits. What do you do after your 60 days are up? How do you keep up the heat?

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