Say you’re one of the brave, suicidal few, and are on the verge or have actually finished the 60 day INSANITY workout. You’ve sweated, cursed, near given up, but the end is now in sight. You’re ripped, shredded, lean mean and in the best shape of your life. But now what? Where do you go from here? Any form of post-INSANITY workout can seem like a step down, in intensity, in challenge, in benefits. What do you do after your 60 days are up? How do you keep up the heat?
A simple answer is to just do the 60 days again from the beginning. Remember those first two weeks when you struggled, sobbed, and felt awful? How you limped along, desperately keeping yourself motivated, and the 60th day seemed impossibly far away? Now you can go back and hit the ground running. Tear your way through those workouts, and refine your condition by pushing even harder through each workout. Remember, there is no way to ‘win’ at Insanity, given that everybody is competing against their own natural limits. That means that there is excellent repeat value to this workout. Each time you undergo the 60 day trial, you get to push harder, workout harder, and improve on your previous Fit Test result.
However, if the thought of going back and trying it once more doesn’t appeal, there is always the INSANITY Deluxe Upgrade. These are three new workouts that Shaun T designed exclusively for those looking to take their workouts to the next level. These are ridiculous even by MAX standards, so if you’re feeling like a machine and ready for the next level, this is the way to go. The Upgrade kit is composed of three new DVD’s: Max Interval Sports Training, Insane Abs, and Upper Body Weighted Workout, because even Shaun T lifts weights occasionally!
Finally, you can switch over to another extreme workout like Tony Horton’s P90X. This is a 90 day workout that uses a lot more weights, and will take you from your lean, ripped state to something more muscular, by adding resistance training to your musculature. It’s a good change of pace from INSANITY, and many people switch back and forth regularly!
The important thing to remember is not to burn out–you need to follow your 60 day completion with a recovery break, a week or two at least. Maintaining that level of intensity for too long will result in your burning out, and then you’ll be loath to return to the workout altogether! So pace yourself, make sure you’re refreshed, and then hit the next level strong!

After you finish the initial 60days is it possible to alternate the workouts and lessen the days to 4 times a week?
Sheila–if you’ve finished INSANITY, then first off, CONGRATS. That’s an amazing accomplishment. If not? Then kudos on thinking ahead–positive goal formation and visualizing success are key components to accomplishing your goals.
Second: there is no right or wrong to this game. What you have to do is listen to your body. After 60 days of such intensity, you should definitely back off for a few weeks, maybe doing a mixture of Recovery and downtime. Then, see how you feel. Maybe you want to do a month of 4/week, and then adjust at the end of it. Maybe you want to go down to 3/week, and throw in a day of resistance training at the gym, or 2/week and 2 days in the gym. Maybe you want to mix in some running, or swimming, or anything else that you enjoy. Maybe it’s time for the INSANITY Deluxe workouts, or P90X, or… you see what I mean?
The key lesson is this: don’t stop exercising, keep it fun, and listen to your body. If you just do INSANITY all year round, you may burn out due to boredom or overwork. So ask yourself: what appeals the most? Keep up the intensity, cross train, and perhaps come back to another 60 days of INSANITY six months down the line. Either way, you’re on the right track!
[…] Life After Insanity […]
I completed p90x 2 times and p90x plus once, and I am on my final week of insanity. I have read a few “life after insanity” internet postings and read that restarting the program is one option. The question I do have is that insanity can be taxing on joints because of the jumping, etc. Has there been any research on the long term effects of doing a higher impact workout program?
Also, I plan to redo insanity after this final week, should I do a recovery week in between the final week and restarting the program?
Hi Leah,
Congrats on the amazing track record–you must be in incredible shape. You’re absolutely right on how taxing Insanity can be on your joints, and that’s why I recommend people invest in excellent cross trainers, a yoga mat to work out on, and to take some joint support pills to strengthen the cartilage of your joints.
Given that you’re about to restart Insanity having just gone through the Max workouts, I recommend you give your body a bit of a break so that it can recover, regenerate and be absolutely ready for your next round. I would advise that you take a week off altogether, just relax, eat well, get lots of sleep, and then get back into the workout.
Best of luck!
what do your recommend I take to strengthen the cartilage in my joints?
Hi Maria,
Head over to our main EFR site and check out the Joint Support Formula. It’s the key blend of collagen type II and glucosamine. Best of luck!
Hi, I am in my 2nd week of the 2nd month of Insanity. I have seen great results and look forward to seeing what my final results will be after the 60 days. After reading the above, I see that you recommend taking off for a few weeks after the initial 60 days. My question is, what do you suggest I eat during that down time? Should I still eat the 5 meals a day or should I do something else? I was thinking about doing some Pilates and bike riding during my down time then maybe do Insanity again. I just don’t want to loose my results after all my hard work. I appreciate your time and help. Thanks!
Hi Phil,
I’m just about to start week 3 of Insanity.
I know this probably sounds crazy, but I went from doing pretty basic cardio (running/biking) to Insanity, and it’s like I’ve had new life breathed into me, and I want to do more. I do Insanity every morning, and I find myself with too much energy when I get home from work every day.
Is doing a seperate workout at night, say, 3 or 4 times a week a bad idea? What type of workout would be a good complement?
Hi all:
I have just finished insanity, and was wondering if it is better to start over from the beginning or to just redo the max (2nd month). I don’t want to lose all of the progress I have made.
Also, should I do a week of core cardio and balance and then start the 2nd month? Please help…not sure what to do.
I second Kathy’s question. I have already done P90X 2x and am about the finish up Insanity. Should we start from the beginning or start at the second month? I also plan to incorporate P90X back into the fold and mix it up.
I want to say I have worked out for 20 years with weights and my body was pretty rock solid but I could never lose that bowl full of jelly gut until…Insanity..Shaun T rocks and I love when he says a workout is going to make him nervous! When I first heard that I freaked!
What amazes me is his abilty to talk thru these workouts while I’m gagging for air! lol!
I am on my third 60-day run and have lost 12lbs off the belly and 3 inches off my waist – It feels great to actually be lean and anytime I lift or stretch to feel my abs engage.
Too bad it took me 52 years to discover it! But I also appreciate the recovery formula.
My concern is all the sugar…doesn’t that work against me when I’m consuming such a sweet drink after working out? I like it but its awful expensive.
I have 4 days left of Insanity, but I have noticed that my knees are really hurting me during and after the workout. I feel like I need to give it a rest, but I do want to finish it. is there a reccommended workout that gives results similar to Insantiy (not as bulked up as p90x) but is not so hard on the joints? Thanks for the input
Try the Brazil Butt Lift!
I finished Insanity, and i have restarted twice more the program, but im only repeating the second month because i dont want to lose all the fitness. Im also weightlifting doing giant circuits with all the weight i can, three times a week.. Between each round, rest for monday, and tuesday.. along with he last sunday.. i rest 3 days before i restart each time i finish the second month..
Im incredibly strong, fitted and athletic.. i never thought ill ever be like this…. oh, by the way.. im 40 years old..
Hi ,
I am doing Insanity and I am at Day 5.. I am 5 ft tall and weight 65kgs (143 pounds) I was curious to know if I will be able to lose weight on this program.. I am average level fit and I do push a lil more on the workouts but I feel they are short… and what can 250-300 calories burn give after all??? the diet I am trying to keep it low but i dunno if i am succeeding i normally donot have ice cream or soda even if i was not on insanity.
is there a good afterburn???
when will i start seeing the weight loss? i feel leaner in 5 days thats the water weigh but noe actual weightloss is noticed..
Please advice..
Thank you
I am about to finish the Insanity program. I am down 22 pounds to a weight I haven’t seen in 20 years, and a level of fitness that brings me memories of my youth as an elite athlete.
I have made most all of my goals in this effort and more. However I still feel I have work to do in my lower abs, as I still have about a half inch of flab on either side of my waist. I figure if I keep doing Insane Abs and some of the circuit work I can slice off that remaining annoying bit.
I would like to know if the beachbody coaches are trained in what I really should call “sculpting” at this point. I have all of the general tone I need. I don’t want to go anorexic and I don’t want to be super-muscle guy. I want to keep my old swimmer’s body (I can now see it in the mirror!) and just keep making steady progress. If I can build my shoulders back up and keep doing plyo work I’ll be in the best post-college shape of my life. And that’s where I want to be.
I don’t mind paying for a beachbody coach, but are these guys (and ladies) trained to help me sculpt my waist, lower abs and shoulders like this, using the Insanity (plus the extras, I have the whole set)? I really would like to use what I’ve got here.
Thanks for the feedback. This program has been an incredible life changer.