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So far Pablo has created 161 blog entries.

Who is P90X’s Tony Horton?

By |2019-06-22T09:16:47-04:00March 12th, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Latest Post, P90X Blog|

Tony HortonToday he's the face of the infamous P90X workout, a three month exercise regimen that has taken the country by storm and made his infomercial the most successful in the country. Progenitor of Beachbody workouts like Power 90, 10 Minute Workout, Power Half Hour, One on One and more, Tony Horton seems to be akin to a force of nature, ever burning, moving, succeeding and confident. Love him or hate him, you can't deny his results, from the huge success of P90X to the legions of people whose lives he's changed through his workout DVD's. But how did he reach this pinnacle of success? Where did it all start? Was he always this confident and fit, or did he have his own mountains to climb?

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Which is the Best Sports Drink For Hydration?

By |2019-06-22T09:16:57-04:00March 11th, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Latest Post, no photo, Nutrition & Weight Loss|

Sports DrinkWhen it comes to post-exercise habits, sports nutrition is concerned with various things: glycogen replenishment, enhancing your body's recovery and adaption to your training, and re-hydration. If you take a look at any supermarket shelf, you'll see scores of energy drinks, recovery drinks, and sports drinks, each more fantastically colored then the next, and all of them promising to turn you into the next athletic superstar if you just drink them. Which is best? Is classic water better, or milk, or do Powerade and Gatorade really hold the secret to optimal re-hydration?

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What Does an Insanity Workout Feel Like?

By |2019-06-22T09:17:08-04:00March 10th, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Insanity Blog, Latest Post|

Insanity WorkoutIf you go to our Reviews section, you'll find info each workout, hear from the people who have done Insanity, read personal testimonials and more. But sometimes people are looking for more than just how many Globe Jumps are in a workout, how long it is, or to hear success stories of people who have undertaken Insanity and come out the other side. They want to know what it feels like to do an Insanity Workout, what they would be in for. So in this post we're going to try and give you a taste of exactly that ;)

Interval Training–Taking a Look at HIIT

By |2019-06-22T09:17:18-04:00March 9th, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Latest Post, no photo|

Interval TrainingInterval training has become the hottest fad, with people decrying steady-state cardio, and promoting high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as if it were the only way to train. You'll hear grandma's discussing their Tabata Protocol numbers at bus stops, hear snickers as people walk by people jogging along slowly, and in general run into the belief that if you're not HIITing it, you might as well not bother. What is HIIT? Is it really the ultimate way to train for cardio? What are its benefits, and what are its potential problems?

Get Tony Horton’s One on One – For Only A Penny!

By |2019-06-22T09:17:28-04:00March 8th, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Latest Post, One on One|

Tony Horton's One on OneIn an incredible promotion, Beachbody is selling Tony Horton's vaunted One on One program for the astonishing price of $0.01 (plus shipping and handling). Unbelievably, you can buy Tony Horton's One on One for only a penny-but this promotion lasts only until the end of March, and then it's back to regular prices.

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Is The Brazil Butt Lift Workout Right For You?

By |2019-06-22T09:17:38-04:00March 5th, 2010|Brazil Butt Lift, Latest Post, no photo|

Brazil Butt LiftIs the Brazil Butt Lift Workout right for you? It very well could be. It all depends on your goals, what style of workout you enjoy, and your attention span. I'm going to review some of the strengths of the BBL workout in this post, and then give some broad indications as to whom it might best appeal to. One of the great thing about the fitness workout DVD's out there today is that there's something for everyone, and judging from the number of Brazil Butt Lift's we're selling here at Extreme Fitness Results, it's clear that a lot of people have decided that this workout is for them.

Will Lifting Weights Make Women Bulk Up?

By |2019-06-22T09:17:49-04:00March 4th, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, no photo|

Female MuscleOne of the questions I receive the most often in regards to P90X, or just weight lifting in general, is whether or not it will cause women to 'bulk' up, and suddenly develop large, unsightly muscles. There seems to be a real concern that picking up a free weight will cause veins to writhe into view across your biceps like earthworms, will cause your shoulders to broaden, your voice to deepen, your back to grow huge and your legs turn into tree trunks. For some reason, many women fear this and so stick to low impact cardio and the machines in the gym, endlessly repeating the same workouts while eying the squat cage with fear. So let's take a look at this a little closer. Will lifting weights make women bulk up?

Are You Fit Enough for the Insanity Workout?

By |2019-06-22T09:17:59-04:00March 3rd, 2010|Insanity Blog, Latest Post|

Insanity WorkoutIf you go to the 'P90X or Insanity Workout?' post, you'll see that there are some 120 comments or so. Now, half of them are mine, but they're all responses to the same basic question: "Am I ready for Insanity/P90X?" What I sense is a lot of excitement, a lot of enthusiasm, but a level of uncertainty as to whether people are ready for such an extreme workout. With good reason! I'm going to focus on Insanity today, but my advice applies to any extreme workout.

5 Ways To Get Stronger NOW

By |2019-06-22T09:18:10-04:00March 2nd, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, no photo|

strongthumbWe all know that in order to develop your strength, you have to put in time, energy and dedication. It's a long term project, something you develop over years, and there are no quick fixes, no short cuts, no cheats or easy ways out that don't involve chemicals. Or is that true? Here are a bunch of tips to help you get an edge on your next lift, to help you stack everything in your favor, and push you to the next level!

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3 Things You Need to Finish Insanity

By |2019-06-22T09:18:20-04:00March 1st, 2010|Exercise & Fitness, Insanity Blog, Latest Post|

Insanity WorkoutAnybody can grab the INSANITY workout, go into their garage and bust out a session. Just pound their bones and joints out on a cement floor, gulp down a glass of water, and then go about their day, feeling raw, pumped up, and ultimately worn out and in pain. Folks, this is an extreme fitness program for a reason. This is marketed to the elite because it takes more than mental toughness (that's the most basic requirement). It requires that your body be in top form, that you be in fighting shape, that you be able to take an extreme amount of physical stress and thrive. And unless you're a machine, or a marine, or a decathlete, you're going to need to take care of yourself. Yes, nutrition, yes nine hours of sleep. But these three things below will help you not only get through INSANITY, but to thrive.

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