
Extreme Fitness Results Goes to Hawaii!

Beachbody National Coach Today we sit down with Fernanda Bressan, an Independent Beachbody Coach and part of the Extreme Fitness Results team that recently went out to Hawaii as part of the Beachbody Top Coach Annual Trip. We asked her about the experience, the people she met, and what it was like to take a class live from Tony Horton, and here's what she had to say:

Top 6 Excuses To Not Work Out

LazyEverybody is always saying you should work out. Get in shape. Run around in circles, or in the same place, lift heavy pieces of metal, sweat sweat sweat. Swim laps in the pool, or throw balls through hoops, or do some more running, or lift some more heavy pieces of metal. But why? People, let's be honest. All that exercise is hard. It takes work. And then you have to shower afterward. Is it really worth the bother? I'm not convinced--so here are the top 6 reasons to be lazy, as seen by me, on this Friday, when I am feeling a little loopy. Here we go!

Turbo Fire with Chalene Johnson: Coming Soon!

Turbo FireTurbo Fire - Chalene Johnson's new extreme workout will build upon the incredible success of her Turbo Jam program and kick things up to the next level. Slated to be released this May, it's being billed as being as tough a DVD Workout as INSANITY, and featuring a potent combination of intense kickboxing cardio with High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Turbo Jam took the world by storm, and has become an incredibly popular program, drawing packed crowds at gyms where instructors are trained and licensed to teach it. Where Turbo Jam leaves off, Turbo Fire kicks in, and is a program for the seasoned grads of Turbo Jam who are ready to really bring on the burn!

Happy St. Patty’s Day: Greenberry Shakeology or Green Beer?

Greenberry ShakeologySt. Patty's Day is upon us, and you all know what that means: debauchery, good cheer, celebrating with friends, drinks, partying in Irish Bars, green beer, more partying, seeing more good friends, and then a terrible hangover on Thursday. Ah, perfect, I can you hear you exclaim with eminent satisfaction. But is it?!? Is that the best one can hope for today, or is there more, could we collectively reach out for a better, more nutritious goal? Nutrition, I hear you mutter? Who said anything about nutrition? Well, your doctor, for one, and your mother, and your personal trainer too. They're all very concerned, you know, and asked that I write this post. So, think of this as a missive from the ones who love you best. So set aside that green beer for a moment (it's only 10.30am, you shouldn't even be drinking that yet!) and listen up.

Body Gospel – The New Donna Richardson Workout

Body Gospel WorkoutSlated to be released this summer, Beachbody has teamed up with famed fitness trainer Donna Richardson Joyner to produce Body Gospel, a Christian Workout that aims to fuel exercise with the power of faith. The goal is to make you a better steward of your temple by becoming more physically active, helping you eat healthier, lose weight and enjoy yourself in the process. Anybody who has been to a church that sings, dances and praises the Lord together knows what energy can be created, how joyful people can get, and how much fun they can have even while they dance and clap and sing. Gospel Body seeks to take that energy, that drive, that joy, and combine it with tough, fun workouts that will help you shed those pounds and let your inner beauty shine.

Does the Results and Recovery Formula work?

Results and Recovery FormulaAt the end of each P90X or Insanity Workout, you'll see either Tony Horton or Shaun T tell you to drink your Recovery Formula, and then they'll grin and take a swig from their glass of exactly that. 'Results and Recovery' formula sounds pretty good, but what does it do, exactly, and why should you drink it? Is it meant to just hydrate you, or is it some fancy kind of protein shake, or what? Should you invest in this drink, or give it a pass? Well, today we're going to look into the science behind this drink, and give you the low down. So read on!

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