by Elke Zabinski

August 7, 2009 – Day 5

Pure Cardio, Pure Hell…

Excruciating to say the least. Similar brutal warm-up and for me these type of programs always get worse before they get better. I am grasping for breath and soaked in sweat by round two of the warm-up. When Shaun-T says during the stretch that he is nervous for this workout my slow descend to the under world begins.

I had no idea there were so many different types of jacks. In Pure Cardio you have regular jacks, stance jacks (to work your glutes), and the dreaded push-up jacks at the end that have you grasping for air. From the jumps to the kicks and jabs your entire muscle group is working like crazy and all you can do is pray that nothing decides to give out.  What’s ironic is that this workout starts and ends with suicide drills, but Shaun T always stresses Form over Speed so it is ok to take a break. Suicide drills doesn’t have to mean death by cardio.

After the last push-up jack my body will do I am laying on my cement floors which feel good in comparison to what I was just doing, Shaun T says “Why do we do this, To Look Good.” Enough said…
