How To Fit P90X Into Your Life
Tony Horton's P90X Extreme In-Home Workout seems at once easy to adopt and incredibly hard to do so at the same time. Why? Because the allure of the 90 day program is such that anybody should feel capable of committing to it. Three months or a full body transformation seems like a tiny amount of time to invest for such dramatic results. But then people actually sit back and look at their day to day schedules, and wonder: how am I ever going to squeeze an extra hour out of my already busy life? Where am I going to find the time?
Which Celebrities Has Brazil Butt Lift Trainer Leandro Carvalho Trained, Exactly?
Everybody these days is a celebrity trainer. Sometimes it feels like you can't even go down to your local gym on the corner without running into a celebrity trainer, or at least somebody who affixes that title to their name and then glosses over exactly whom they've trained. So perhaps we should all get jaded, accept that 'celebrity trainer' is a common title that means nothing these days. Or perhaps we can dig a little deeper, and see who has had their famous bodies sculpted by whom. Leandro Carvalho, the Brazilian 'Butt Master' from Manhattan is about to release his new Brazil Butt Lift workout program. Sure enough, he's being touted as a 'celebrity trainer', so I dug up his press kit and went through it carefully to see if the title is merited. And you know what? It really, really is.
Chin Up Bar Exercises – Benefits and Technique
There are certain standard exercises that are classics. The push-up, the crunch, the chin-up. Each one has been performed and perfected for years, and is abandoned for the latest fad and then returned to when [...]
In Search of the Perfect Butt
Whether 'tis better for the butt to suffer the thousands of injections of extricated body fat, or to take part in a series of exercises, and by working out grow one? Straining, sweating, lunging and [...]
How the Tabata Protocol Will Break You – Interval Training Done Right
There is a common misconception that the amount of time poured into exercise directly correlates with the benefits accrued. That the longer you work, the better your results. Thus a fifty minute run is better [...]
Body Fat Vs BMI – Which Should You Be Looking At?
These days it's all about the benchmarks. It's not enough to just look good and feel healthy. People want to know they're doing well, want to be able to chart their progress, compare stats. What's [...]
Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of training to help achieve your fitness goals