Insanity Workout Review – Day 5
You know it’s bad news when ShaunT tells you he’s worried about the upcoming work out. Like he’s thought it out on paper, put the drills together, but now that the moment has come he’s no longer sure that it’s humanly possible to do everything he’s planned out. Which, when you think about how hard the other INSANITY workouts are, is definitely something to worry about.
The Principles Behind the Squat
The squat is one of the best exercises with which to strengthen and exercise the most muscles. It can be used to develop excellent leg, glute and core strength, and requires upper body stabilization in order to prevent the barbell from sliding around. However, despite the fact that you are simply squatting down and then standing up, it can be quite a complex exercise.
INSANITY Workout Review – Day 3
Yesterday was rough. As reported I woke up feeling sore, and that soreness lingered throughout the day. My hamstrings and calves were stiff and aching, and I kept having to stand up every twenty minutes or so to stretch them out during the course of the day. By the time I got home I was getting seriously worried that I wouldn't be able to do the next INSANITY workout-if I was limping up the stairs, how was I going to do Suicide Jacks?
Lust for Life
Bike riding back to work today I put on Iggy Pop's 'Lust for Life', and suddenly my legs felt spring loaded with burning coals and liquid nitrogen. Music blasting, I wheeled and span my way through traffic, roughly leaping over curbs, tearing down sidewalks, sliding through traffic and just enjoying the sheer vigor of pumping hard on my pedals and moving fast. It felt good. It felt terrific, and while I'm now sitting here at my desk covered in a sheen of sweat with my thigh muscles twitching and breath coming in deep, slow inhalations, I'm suddenly supremely aware of why I blog about health and fitness, why I research vitamins and nutrients, why I care about what I eat and how I exercise and the whole complex multifarious never ending shebang that is this job I have.
Vitamin C – Can It Prevent Colds?
You know the drill. As soon as you start to sneeze and feel congested, as soon as you start to feel run down and tired, everybody tells you to start taking Vitamin C. Some people talk of it as a miracle cure, as if a few tablets will immediately reverse the cold, stop it dead in its tracks, and so off everybody goes to the store to buy supplements.
Happy Thanksgiving from EFR!
Happy Thanksgiving from the Extreme Fitness Results crew!
We're a new company, we're growing fast, and we're just bursting with reasons to give thanks this year. Thanks for having such an excellent team to work with, thanks for having such good friends and supporters encouraging and supporting us in our growth, thanks for working so hard to promote health, good nutrition and better living, and thanks for meeting so many exciting and educational people on the blog and in our general line of business.
Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of training to help achieve your fitness goals