
Will Lifting Weights Make Women Bulk Up?

Female MuscleOne of the questions I receive the most often in regards to P90X, or just weight lifting in general, is whether or not it will cause women to 'bulk' up, and suddenly develop large, unsightly muscles. There seems to be a real concern that picking up a free weight will cause veins to writhe into view across your biceps like earthworms, will cause your shoulders to broaden, your voice to deepen, your back to grow huge and your legs turn into tree trunks. For some reason, many women fear this and so stick to low impact cardio and the machines in the gym, endlessly repeating the same workouts while eying the squat cage with fear. So let's take a look at this a little closer. Will lifting weights make women bulk up?

Are You Fit Enough for the Insanity Workout?

Insanity WorkoutIf you go to the 'P90X or Insanity Workout?' post, you'll see that there are some 120 comments or so. Now, half of them are mine, but they're all responses to the same basic question: "Am I ready for Insanity/P90X?" What I sense is a lot of excitement, a lot of enthusiasm, but a level of uncertainty as to whether people are ready for such an extreme workout. With good reason! I'm going to focus on Insanity today, but my advice applies to any extreme workout.

5 Ways To Get Stronger NOW

strongthumbWe all know that in order to develop your strength, you have to put in time, energy and dedication. It's a long term project, something you develop over years, and there are no quick fixes, no short cuts, no cheats or easy ways out that don't involve chemicals. Or is that true? Here are a bunch of tips to help you get an edge on your next lift, to help you stack everything in your favor, and push you to the next level!

3 Things You Need to Finish Insanity

Insanity WorkoutAnybody can grab the INSANITY workout, go into their garage and bust out a session. Just pound their bones and joints out on a cement floor, gulp down a glass of water, and then go about their day, feeling raw, pumped up, and ultimately worn out and in pain. Folks, this is an extreme fitness program for a reason. This is marketed to the elite because it takes more than mental toughness (that's the most basic requirement). It requires that your body be in top form, that you be in fighting shape, that you be able to take an extreme amount of physical stress and thrive. And unless you're a machine, or a marine, or a decathlete, you're going to need to take care of yourself. Yes, nutrition, yes nine hours of sleep. But these three things below will help you not only get through INSANITY, but to thrive.

6 Habits to Help You Lose Weight

Weight LossLosing weight can be incredibly hard, but the how of it shouldn't be a mystery. There is no question that changing your habits can be an incredible challenge, and sticking to them can be even more difficult than the original decision to change. However, the means of doing so, and what those new habits should be, are well established, basic and simple. Here we'll list the top six changes you should effect if you're serious about losing weight, the top new habits you should acquire to ensure that your goals are met successfully.

Where to Get Your INSANITY Info

Insanity WorkoutThere is a lot of information out there on the INSANITY workout. Countless Beachbody Coach sites promise to connect you with the product, while review sites of varying quality offer to inform you on the nature of Shaun T's program. Articles have been written on how to best succeed at the workout itself, along with general tips and advice on how to approach it. It can be confusing, overwhelming even, and somebody who simply wants the right info without having to mount a research project can become discouraged. Well! Today I'm going to round up the best of the best, and show you where you can get all your info in one post. So read on!

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