INSANITY DAY 2 – Cardio & Plyometrics
I’m writing this post the next day. I did the second INSANITY workout yesterday evening, and woke up this morning feeling like somebody had spent the night beating me up with an iron skillet. My hamstrings seem to have shortened by two inches, my feet are sore, my lats are smoldering, and my shoulders feel tight. Cardio & Plyometrics is a tough, tough workout. And it looks like I’m a secret masochist, because I’m gunning for tonight’s workout. Somehow, for some bizarre reason, despite the pain and soreness and stiffness I’m loving the INSANITY workout.
INSANITY Workout – The Fit Test
I have to admit that I was a strange blend of nervousness and confidence going into the Fit Test. I'd been anticipating starting Shaun T's INSANITY for over a week, and finally the day was here. I'd heard so much about the workout that I was intimidated-would I be able to keep up? On the other hand, this was just the Fit Test, a mere thirty minutes that would probably involve warm up and cool down. How hard could it be? I'd just go as hard as I could, do my best, and cruise on through to the other side.
Or so I thought.
Guest Post: 5 Exercises That Show You’re in Peak Condition
You've been working out for months and years, your friends know of you as being the guy who never misses a workout, and you're pretty certain that you're in the top one percentile when it comes to being in peak physical condition. But are you really in peak condition? If you can do these 5 exercises, chances are you are.
Backyard Garden: Aphids Attack!
We're a few weeks into our backyard experiment, and without looking closely all seems to be going exceptionally well. The Mesclun Greens and the Arugula are sprouting nicely, the squash plants are growing wide and stately, and the corn has sprouted hand high seedlings that look delicate and pale but promise a luscious bounty in three months time. From a distance, all is verdant, growing and peaceful.
But. Then I saw the aphids.
Health Benefits of Yoga
I've recently begun to practice Vinyasa Flow yoga, going a couple of times during the week for hour and a half classes and awakening my body to its old flexibility and strength. Given how great I've been feeling every time I leave class, I've been wondering of late what the actual health benefits are. Some quick research has revealed a host of them, and as you may have guessed, I'm going to share them here. Perhaps this post will alert those who have not taken a yoga class as to unexpected benefits, or simply confirm that what current practitioners already know, but either way, I hope you find it as fascinating an array as I do!
How To Do A Pull Up
There are certain standard exercises that are classics. The push-up, the crunch, the chin-up. Each one has been performed and perfected for years, and is abandoned for the latest fad and then returned to when wisdom prevails. Each requires no piece of fancy equipment, and relies instead on gravity and your body weight. Today let’s take a closer look at the chin-up, and ask a few basic questions. Why do them? What are the benefits? What do you do if you can’t even do one? Is there a way to perfect your form, and what common mistakes should you be looking out for?
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Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of training to help achieve your fitness goals