Insanity Workout Review: Day 8 Cardio Power and Resistance Training
by Elke Zabinski August 10, 2009 - Day 8 Cardio Power and Resistance Training – Round 2 Now that’s what’s up... Amazing, I see improvements in places. I can kick out some power jumps! I’m [...]
P90X vs Insanity Workout? Let’s Break It Down!
For the past couple weeks I have been asked this question repeatedly: P90X or Insanity Workout? Which one should I get? So let me go ahead and share my point of view.
Insanity Workout Review: Day 6 Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Plyometric Cardio Circuit - Round 2 August 8, 2009 - Day 6 This is my second time doing this workout and no, it hasn’t gotten any easier. I am soaked in sweat every ounce of [...]
Carbs 101
What's a Carbohydrate? Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for both the muscles and the brain. They can be divided in two main groups: simple carbs (sugars) and complex carbs (starch). Simple carbohydrates [...]
Insanity Workout Review: Day 5 Pure Cardio
by Elke Zabinski August 7, 2009 - Day 5 Pure Cardio, Pure Hell... Excruciating to say the least. Similar brutal warm-up and for me these type of programs always get worse before they get better. [...]
Protein 101
What are Proteins? Proteins play a vital role in our lives.They are the building blocks of most of our body tissues, such as skin, muscle, nails, and tendons among others. Proteins also take part [...]
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